I tried something - well, various avenues) and I keep bumping into C# and Js - I know a bit more of the latter and the original perlin noise lighting script is in C# so I am not sure what I am doing. Here's what I did so far - it doesn't seem to do anything but at least I am not getting any errors. Initially - since the gun is a child object of the Camera - I got some errors there, fixed with camera changed to Camera.main. Clear head in the morning may let me see this in a more optimistic light :)
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class LightningGun : MonoBehaviour
public Transform target = null;
public int zigs = 100;
public float speed = 1f;
public float weaponRange = 20f;
public float scale = 1f;
public Light startLight;
public Light endLight;
public AudioClip projectileSound;
Perlin noise;
float oneOverZigs;
private Particle[] particles;
void Start()
oneOverZigs = 1f / (float)zigs;
particleEmitter.emit = false;
particles = particleEmitter.particles;
void Fire ()
if (target == null)
Ray ray = Camera.main.ViewportPointToRay(new Vector3(0.5F, 0.5F, 0));
RaycastHit hit;
if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit, weaponRange))
if (hit.transform.tag == "EnemyShip")
target = hit.transform;
if (noise == null)
noise = new Perlin();
float timex = Time.time * speed * 0.1365143f;
float timey = Time.time * speed * 1.21688f;
float timez = Time.time * speed * 2.5564f;
for (int i=0; i < particles.Length; i++)
Vector3 position = Vector3.Lerp(transform.position, target.position, oneOverZigs * (float)i);
Vector3 offset = new Vector3(noise.Noise(timex + position.x, timex + position.y, timex + position.z),
noise.Noise(timey + position.x, timey + position.y, timey + position.z),
noise.Noise(timez + position.x, timez + position.y, timez + position.z));
position += (offset * scale * ((float)i * oneOverZigs));
particles[i].position = position;
particles[i].color = Color.white;
particles[i].energy = 1f;
audio.clip = projectileSound;
particleEmitter.particles = particles;
if (particleEmitter.particleCount >= 2)
if (startLight)
startLight.transform.position = particles[0].position;
if (endLight)
endLight.transform.position = particles[particles.Length - 1].position;
target = null;